Monday, December 25, 2006


The Angel’s Story

12/24/06 Christmas Eve Service
D. Marion Clark

I remember the story well as if it were but yesterday. Time does not have the same effect on me as it does you human creatures. I don’t forget things like you do.

The first person God sent me to with a message about the Savior to come was the old priest Zechariah while he was serving in the Temple. I scared him! We angels always do. We don’t mean to, mind you. I don’t know if it’s the surprise (there are no footsteps for you to hear) or something about our appearance. Well, anyhow, there he was shaking. Maybe that is the reason he reacted the way he did when I gave him the good news that he and Elizabeth would have a baby. He had prayed every day for a child, but when I told him his prayer had been heard, he wouldn’t believe me. He said he wanted proof what I was saying would really happen. Now, I consider myself a patient angel. I realize Zechariah was just being human, but really, I am an angel! I stand in the presence of God! And here is this little priest questioning if I knew what I was saying. I gave him enough proof all right. I told him he would not speak again until he saw his baby.

The second person the Lord sent me to was Mary, a sweet young girl. It was different talking to her. The Lord has sent me to deliver special messages before, but this one…well, even I was shaking a little, knowing what I had to say. Usually the first thing I say to a human is, “Do not fear,” because…well, they are usually awed by seeing me. But this time, it was my turn to be awed, and I blurted out, “Greetings, you who are highly favored! The Lord is with you.”

She got this troubling look on her face, and I had to calm her down. Then I delivered the message I was sent to give about the Messiah, the Son of God that she was to bear. She did not doubt like Zechariah, and she asked a good question about how she would bear a child when she had yet to be married. She showed a lot of wisdom with that question, but it was her final word that left the deepest impression on me: “I am the Lord’s servant. May it be to me as you have said.” An angel could not have spoken more fittingly.

The third message, well, that was the most fun. I had shepherds to go to, and this time the Lord let the fullness of his glory be displayed through me. Boy, it was fun! I’m invisible. The shepherds are having a quiet night. A couple of them are yawning and about to nod off, and then, Pow! I suddenly appear with an intense light all about me. That woke them up! Again, I said the old line, “Do not be afraid,” but, hey, how could they not be? Even I have to admit I was a bit terrifying clothed in the glory of the Lord.

I told them the greatest news that anyone had ever been told before – that the Messiah was born – with directions on how to find him. And then – this was a great touch – a whole company of angels appeared with me. Not a few. Try to imagine thousands of angels like me suddenly appearing and shouting praise to God. I assure you, the shepherds didn’t forget that experience.

Yes, it’s a good story, but I have one more visit to tell of. I went to that stable too and looked upon the little infant, and it scared me. I needed someone to tell me not to be afraid. You see, that infant was the glorious Lord in whose presence that I told Zechariah I stood. He was the God whom I have worshipped since my own creation and whose commands I obey. And it scared me to see him like the humans whom my very presence scared.

This was my King! Why was he doing the work of a servant? He was the Head of the army of all the heavenly angels. Why was he now a helpless baby? Why become a mere human lower than me?

I was there when poor Isaiah was brought into the presence of the holy God. I pitied him in his fear. But in the presence of the little baby dressed in rags of cloth, I knew then, such fear. I knew what it was like to think I had known God, only to be thrust into the presence of a God more wondrous, more holy, more loving than I could have ever imagined.

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